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I believe that part of our mission as scientists is to share our knowledge and to make science and nature accessible to everyone.


I have presented my work in many international conferences, participated in outreach projects, I organize seminars and conferences, and I truly enjoy giving lectures at schools and universities. I am also currently teaching different subjects at Bielefeld University, Germany, and co-hosting our department weekly seminars.


Before starting my Postdoc position, I decided to explore my science communication skills outside academia, and so I was working for about two years (2018 to 2020) simultaneously in two different companies in Portugal:


1) I worked as a nature guide in the astonishing Peneda-Gerês National Park. I would spend my days talking with people, driving Defenders offroad, kayaking and hiking in the mountains and swimming in waterfalls. I was lucky enough to work for Oporto Adventure Tours, which is a company that promotes responsible tourism, cultural traditions and nature conservation.

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2) I also worked as a science instructor at the Fábrica Centro Ciência Viva (University of Aveiro). Here, I was doing science-based activities with people from all ages but especially with school groups. The activities could be as varied as guiding the groups through a live exhibition of spiders, teaching the science behind making food (and cook with them), or building and programming robots. If you can explain complex science to 5-year-old kids, you can explain it to everyone! 


These were two very rewarding jobs, and I learned a lot about science communication, teaching (to all ages), managing people and problem solving! I acquired great skills to take with me to my Postdoc. 

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