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Understanding what makes a lizard invasive: The role of behaviour and cognition

I was awarded in 2015 with a PhD

scholarship from Macquarie University,

Sydney, Australia.


I completed my PhD at The Lizard Lab, where I had the privilege of being mentored by Dr Martin Whiting (Macquarie University) and co-supervised by Dr James Harris (CIBIO-InBIO).


My research focused on a small lizard, the Italian Wall Lizard (Podarcis siculus), which can hitchhike, reach new locations worldwide, and become invasive. I examined how different behavioural components can contribute to its invasive success. Although I was based in Sydney, I studied a population of this invasive species in Lisbon, conducting my field and lab work in Portugal.


​Specifically, I studied its behavioural flexibility, use of social information, behavioural traits, and competitive ability — features that should be crucial fot its invasive potential! Check out the Publications' section if you would like to learn about our results!​


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Last update on 20.09.2024

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